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Tax Management

Dedicated to Meeting Your Tax Needs

Japan's tax system and corporate law have become more complicated than ever by world standards, and addressing related difficulties is an essential part of business management. IMP can meet your needs by providing the type of high-quality service that only an organization affiliated with a tax accounting firm can render.

Every month, IMP staff will visit your office to offer prompt support for taxation matters. Let us find tax solutions for you using our wealth of experience. IMP can also make proposals involving ideal customized assistance ranging from accounting and consulting to personnel services centered on taxation.

Domestic Tax Services

Individual and Corporate Tax Returns

We offer support for the filing of individual and corporate Japanese tax returns with flexible adaptation to needs judging from your operation through the bilateral use of services such as outsourcing of ordinary bookkeeping and accounting work.

*Tax return preparation is entrusted to our affiliated Idetsu Accounting Office.

Estate Tax Return Preparation, Business Succession

The Act on Facilitation of Succession of Management of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises was introduced in October 2008, and inheritance of business succession and privilege measures for estate tax were systematized in the 2009 tax reform. We offer total support for estate tax measures within this new system.

Tax-related Due Diligence

Tax-related due diligence is indispensable in leading ever-more complicated M&As toward success. Our extensive experience allows us to assess tax risks arising from corporate M&As.

International Tax Services

Transfer Pricing
Withholding Tax under Tax Treaties
Income Tax Treaties
Regional Tax Issues (US, China, ASEAN, etc.)

Information Security Measures

IMP strictly adheres to the duty of confidentiality provided under the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act. Please feel free to contact us with peace of mind.